Help, tutorials and frequently asked questions for winegrowers

How much does 285 Kelvin costs?

285 Kelvin is 100% free for all winegrowers.

All you have to do is send us the bottles you want via our website, and we will forward them to wine merchants / wine bars for tasting.

You get your ratings and badges within 8 weeks on average.

How many bottles should I send?

You are the one who decides how many bottles you want to have tasted. There is no minimum and no maximum!
We advise you to send as many samples as possible, as each tasting will only have an average of ten participants. The more samples you send, the more people will taste your bottles.

How are the bottles I send sorted?

When you send us your samples, our algorithm will automatically sort them according to different criteria such as colour, appellation, grape variety, location of the estate,…

We take care of sending them to professionals as soon as possible.

Where will my bottles be tasted?

Are you already an exporter? Or do you want to open up your market to other countries? With 285Kelvin you decide in which country your bottles will be tasted. You collect the grades and feedback from local tasters.

Can I do some tastings myself?

Yes, you can!

All you have to do is get your visitors to download the 285 Kelvin application and launch a private tasting. The tasters can then anonymously rate each bottle. The results are instantaneous.

When will my bottles be tasted?

We do our best to get the ratings as quickly as possible, but in reality it depends partly on the wine merchant/bar. Usually the bottles are tasted within a maximum of 8 weeks.

Do you want to have all or part of your bottles tasted as soon as possible in order to have a quick feedback or do you want to wait a little? 285Kelvin allows you to establish your preferred tasting schedule.

How can I check my results?

Your wines have been blind tasted at the official tastings and their scores generated.

If you are not happy with this, the scores will not be published. Would you like to have another tasting? Send us new bottles or ask for your remaining bottles to be tasted and the scores will be updated. This way you remain in control of your image.

My bottles have aged, how do I get them to be tasted again?

Do you have any bottles left to taste and are you happy with the scores you have already received? We will age the remaining bottles, and we will taste them again at your request. You can also send us your aged bottles directly.

Do you have a specific question?

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